New magical roguelike coming this summer

It's been a while since my last post, sorry for the long absence! Life sometimes comes in the way.

New game

A new roguelike/broughlike type game has been in development for some time and is (most likely) coming out this summer! It's based on an improved Seven Scrolls engine, and has you control this little wizard:

(silhouette for now to tease)

The game features all sorts of spells and enemies, and no play session is the same. It can become quite hectic, but gives you plenty options to choose your strategy.

Seven Scrolls could be somewhat intimidating at first, with the way scrolls worked and all the different symbols, so this time I've simplified the rules. As a result, it's less deep, but also easier to get into.

Jake Almond once again provides the audio. I will post more information in the near future!

Development environment

The new game is developed in Game Maker Studio. I wrote about "moving on", but the Seven Scrolls engine was quite extensive and useful after some refactoring. However, the Kotlin based project I wrote about earlier is still coming along as well, and should be much easier to re-use once it's up to speed.


That's about it for now, 'till next time.


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